Equator Prize 2019 - Adaptation

Putting youth at the centre of efforts to mitigate climate change and promote community resilience, CREDI-ONG has created an agroecological farm and 67,000-hectare Community Natural Park to enable 150,000 people to live in harmony with nature in South Benin.

In the mountains of Ecuador, this public-private-community partnership uses innovative financial mechanisms to conserve the paramo ecosystem, ensure water security, store carbon, and enhance the quality of life for indigenous communities.

In the Roraima state of Brazil, this indigenous alliance has secured rights to 1.7 million hectares of traditional land for 55,000 indigenous peoples while promoting ecological and social resilience through the conservation of traditional crop varieties.

In the Zaheerabad region of India, Deccan Development Society promotes women-led regenerative agriculture and community-seed banks to empower Dalit and tribal women, promote sustainable land use, and achieve food security.

Hui Mālama o Moʻomomi, a native Hawaiian grassroots initiative on the island of Molokai, uses traditional ecological management practices such as the art of kilo and pono fishing to sustainably manage their nearshore fisheries in the face of climate change for generations to come.

This native Hawaiian grassroots initiative has woven together traditional, place-based knowledge and policy advocacy to sustainably manage their near-shore fisheries, resulting in the official designation of the first community co-managed fishery in the state of Hawai’i.

As climate change impacts the communities and ecosystems of the Pacific, this organization fosters ridge-to-reef climate resilience through watershed-wide restoration, family farming, a community nursery, and systematic marine conservation planning.

Live from the Town Hall Theater in Manhattan, New York City on 24 September 2019. Rosa Elena Jerez Mazaquiza, Indigenous Leader of the Kichwa and the Campesino Peoples of Tungurahua gives the community statement on behalf of all the prize winners in the Climate Change Adaptation category.