Writing Samples
Writing Samples
Below you will find writing samples of original work written by me, representative of three diverse styles: 1.) academic, 2.) interview and 3.) opinion editorial pieces. Click on the images or the buttons to open a new window and read the published pieces.
This is the 67 page report, including appendices, that was written by myself and five other graduate research consultants from Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs for our capstone consultancy project. The client was Mercy Corps and the research involved ten days abroad in Kathmandu, Nepal to conduct field interviews with key constituents and collect evidence. The research is focused on engaging Nepalese youth in disaster preparedness & response in humanitarian settings, and is based on the multilateral Compact for Young People in Humanitarian Action.
This is an excerpt authored by me for a research protocol proposal for IRB, which I worked on during the summer of 2018 with Millennium Promise Alliance Ghana, the Earth Institute’s Center for Sustainable Development, UNAIDS, Columbia University | SIPA, and the National AIDS Control Programme of the Ghana Health Service. The protocol is focused on establishing baseline data about the Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Community Health Workers and the general population in the service area in relation to HIV/AIDS and home-based HIV testing and counseling services.
Seeing Beyond:
An interview with self-advocate Safia Elizabeth Al-Rawi
14 Questions: An interview with the Artist Judy Taylor about her Maine Labor Mural and the politics associated with it. Published in Tarratine, Issue 1, 2011.
Women’s March 2018 : In It for the Long Haul
Published in the Columbia Public Policy Review
Kill the Apology
…if we slow ourselves down and listen in the way that works best for an individual with a disability, then we will discover a life worth celebrating.